
We try to post here about significant changes such as new members of The Wool Clip and exhibitions by guest artists but, if you’d like to keep in touch with everything that’s going on, our social media channels are easily the most up-to-date source of news.

Hand-made by HanneMADE

The latest Spotlight guest artist in The Wool Clip shop is Anne Brooke, also known as HanneMADE. Anne is a textile artist and tutor, living and working in Brighouse, West Yorkshire. Inspired by nature, she creates unique pieces of art and sewn accessories using fabric, paper and stitch.
“My work tends to begin with a local ‘wandering’,” says Anne. “An idea then grows over time, starting out with a collection of materials and gradually evolving through to the final hand-sewn embellishment.”

Anne met Jean Wildish of The Wool Clip at Yarndale in Skipton some years ago and has since been a stallholder at Woolfest too.

"I really liked Anne's approach as well as her finished images," says Jean, "and I was particularly drawn to the way she incorporates found objects into her work. I remember discussing a turning out of pockets to see what we both had squirrelled away! I hope her framed pictures, jewellery, cards and kits – which are something different for the shop - will all sell well and that they will also inspire creativity as our visitors see what's possible."

Anne's accessories start in price at £15 and her kits start at £4 for cards through to £35 for larger embroidery kits. A variety of her pieces will be in The Wool Clip until the end of October and you can find out more about Anne, her work and her workshops (including a couple coming up in Garstang, Lancashire) on her website at

Keen young weaver joins The Wool Clip
Jane joins The Wool Clip, her local wool artist co...


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Woolclip Online Shop

We’re open for online browsing and shopping.

Even when the Caldbeck shop is closed! Please be aware that someone needs to go into the shop to collect and package your purchases.

Contact Us

The Wool Clip
Priest's Mill

Call: 016974 78707

Opening Times: Tue to Sun 11am to 4pm

Cooperative Reg. Number 29320R

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