
We try to post here about significant changes such as new members of The Wool Clip and exhibitions by guest artists but, if you’d like to keep in touch with everything that’s going on, our social media channels are easily the most up-to-date source of news.

New opening hours


From Thursday 15th April 2021, our opening hours will be Thursday to Sunday 11.30am to 4.00pm.

A member of The Wool Clip co-operative is in the shop each day and happy to answer queries about each members' goods, kits and involvement.

COVID-19 measures are in place and we're keen to welcome back visitors, shoppers and friends.

Woolfest stays online for 2021


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Woolclip Online Shop

We’re open for online browsing and shopping.

Even when the Caldbeck shop is closed! Please be aware that someone needs to go into the shop to collect and package your purchases.

Contact Us

The Wool Clip
Priest's Mill

Call: 016974 78707

Opening Times: Tue to Sun 11am to 4pm

Cooperative Reg. Number 29320R

Enquiry Form

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