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Piecing together marvellous mosaics

Katy-Galbraith-web Katy Galbraith

The latest Spotlight guest artist at The Wool Clip shop in Caldbeck (from 31 May) is Katy Galbraith (57), a designer and maker of mosaics who is based in Crieff in Perthshire. Katy's creations are known for their colour and are made with recycled materials such as wine bottles, broken car windows and other salvaged materials. A selection of Katy's bigger exhibition pieces will be on display in The Wool Clip along with smaller items for sale.

"I met Katy through a Grampus project in Cyprus," says Jean Wildish of The Wool Clip. "She was running mosaic workshops there and I managed to get a place on one and thoroughly enjoyed it. Her work is fascinating - I learnt to appreciate the skill involved - and her emphasis on re-using and recycling materials is really inspiring too."

Katy has been a full-time artist for just over five years now: "I am a passionate recycler and love the use of mixed materials to create a mosaic. It is an important part of my work to illustrate the re-use of materials and demonstrate their potential. It's often the receipt of a broken plate or cup from a friend that stimulates a new thought process and results in a mosaic; the colour and the texture of the broken item definitely have a part to play."

"In terms of subjects, I love flowers and gardens, so many of my pieces are floral representations… though other ideas do pop into my head at times! There'll be plenty of flowers in The Wool Clip display as well as a flock of my delicate hanging birds."

"I was surprised when Jean got in touch about the Spotlight but I'm delighted to have a selection of my work on display at The Wool Clip," Katy says. "I hope to be in the shop for the day on Tuesday 31st May and people are welcome to drop in and have a chat about my work and the techniques involved in making mosaics."

Katy's Spotlight exhibition runs from 31st May to the end of July at The Wool Clip, which is in Priest's Mill at Caldbeck. The shop is open Tuesday to Sunday each week, 11.00am to 4pm and on Bank Holiday Mondays.

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Local landscapes on the walls of The Wool Clip


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Even when the Caldbeck shop is closed! Please be aware that someone needs to go into the shop to collect and package your purchases.

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The Wool Clip
Priest's Mill

Call: 016974 78707

Opening Times: Tue to Sun 11am to 4pm

Cooperative Reg. Number 29320R

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