
We try to post here about significant changes such as new members of The Wool Clip and exhibitions by guest artists but, if you’d like to keep in touch with everything that’s going on, our social media channels are easily the most up-to-date source of news.

The Wool Clip opens an Eden outpost


The Wool Clip co-operative, based at Caldbeck, has created a mini-shop to display and sell its members' work in The Appleby Hub.

"There's been a connection between the two businesses for a long while," explains Jane Farkins of The Eden Workshop at The Appleby Hub, "with members of The Wool Clip sharing their skills in workshops here. Weaver, Jan Beadle is a good friend and Jane Bardgett (Jane Makes), who is a regular workshop tutor in Appleby, joined The Wool Clip last year too. I suppose conversations with both of them have been the catalyst for this new initiative."

A selection of yarns, kits and woollen accessories, gifts and clothing, all designed and made by members of The Wool Clip, will now be on display as a Wool Clip mini shop in the craft shop area of The Appleby Hub.

"The mini shop creates an extra sales opportunity for all of us in the co-operative and it also means that there's a new range of wool craft products in the Hub's shop to generate extra commission and income for the CIC. We're looking forward to seeing how it all works out and hope that it will also tempt customers across to Caldbeck to see the wider range of Wool Clip products in our main shop."

Jan Beadle of The Wool Clip

The Wool Clip shop in Priest's Mill CA7 8DR at Caldbeck re-opens after its winter break on Saturday 11th February and is then open Tuesday to Sunday, 11am to 4pm. Further information, directions and details can be found at

The Appleby Hub Café is open Wednesday to Saturday, 10am to 3pm on Chapel Street CA16 6QR in the centre of Appleby-in-Westmorland. It is home to several thriving businesses and there is further information online at It is a community enterprise in the heart of the town, owned by The Oaklea Trust and run by the Right2Work Community Interest Company (CIC).

Jane Farkins (left) and Jan Beadle (right - member of The Wool Clip

A selection of work by members of The Wool Clip - Linda Bennett and Ruth Strong's work is shown here.

The Wool Clip outpost features a range of work with more to come - and there's much, much more in the main shop at Caldbeck

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Woolclip Online Shop

We’re open for online browsing and shopping.

Even when the Caldbeck shop is closed! Please be aware that someone needs to go into the shop to collect and package your purchases.

Contact Us

The Wool Clip
Priest's Mill

Call: 016974 78707

Opening Times: Tue to Sun 11am to 4pm

Cooperative Reg. Number 29320R

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